Back to more impawtant awards. The Honest scrap award says I have to post 10 honest fings about me. Well, as you can imagine, this has needed careful consideration. Anyway here goes:
1- When I stwetch out full length, I feel the need to follow this by immediately licking my posterior.
2- When miewmie shakes my paw, my wiskers go up and down.
3- When miewmie yawns, I yawn and vice versa.
4- I like to lick the gwavy off my dinner
5- I chase mouses
6- Sometimes I looses the mouses in the house.
7- I have a weely tiny sqeek of a miaow.
8- If its raining at the back door, I insist on checking the fwont door to see if its raining there too.
9- I scwatch the carpets. Miewmie gets furry cwoss when I do this.
10-I like to inspect all cupboards and wardrobes, every day if possible.